Melissa Kroll's Process Journal Rantings

February 11, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — by mkrollmgrp @ 9:15 AM

The deadline is getting closer and I still have NO IDEA what this thing is supposed to look like!!!!!

So what I’ve got so far is a repetend comprised of a bunch of lyrics, a few resources that show me how students feel about literature and a couple NCTE articles discussing perspective and point of view (this is the point of view one. i found it last night: Anyway, I still have no idea how to incorporate it all.

I was thinking of just posting a chunk of that xbox forum in and scrapping the Scarlet Letter since it doesn’t reflect the student’s struggle–which is my main point, I think. Also, I might just wind up writing a piece of fiction anyway showing a student’s disconnect with literature. Why not try it on here?

“And as we discussed last class, this really is the main reason for the green light at the end of the Buchanan’s dock.” Ms. Colins flipped forward a few pages.

*the bell rang*

“Well, class, thank you for being patient—I know it’s been a long day. I’m sorry for keeping you late. Please review the remaining chapters. There will be a short quiz for comprehension on Thursday.” She placed her worn copy of The Great Gatsby down on her desk, watching her students file out the door.

“Hey, hey Joe!”

Joe turned around, startled to hear his name. “What’s up, Tim?”

“I was wondering if you got anything she just said.”

“No.” Joe’s cheeks turned red. “I mean, I usually get what she says, but I have no idea what she was talking about today.”

“Oh, shit. Well, do you have any idea what she’ll ask on that quiz Thursday?”

“Umm…I guess it’ll be about symbolism? Like the green light and the giant blue eyes?”

“Yea yea, she seems real hung up about symbolism. Ok—let’s get together tomorrow night and look it up on Sparknotes to see if we can find anything we’re missing. I really can’t afford a B in this class.”

“Me neither.” Joe’s future depended on his GPA. “This class is going to kill us.”

“Tell me about it. I mean, graduation is still two years away, but every grade counts, right? Do you think this crap will be on the SATs?”

“God I hope not.” Nausea began to infest Joe’s gut. “I don’t see how cramming us full of plots and characters written by authors who were born before my grandparents makes a difference in my life. I mean, really, Shakespeare was a cool dude and I’m sure F. Scott Fitzgerald had some sort of a nice life, but what do they have to do with me and why should I be tested on them?”

I’m worried that sounds unrealistic… like an adult writing a teenager’s point of view.. which is what it is–Me writing in a teenage perspective. I kind of like it, though. It reminds me of  a lot of conversations I heard in high school, which was only 4 years ago.

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